Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (PGIHS) University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (10.12.2024) Globalization has transformed the global landscape, fostering economic, cultural, and social integration. One critical area affected by globalization is the provision of social security benefits for individuals who move across borders. Ensuring the portability and coordination of social security benefits has become essential in a world where mobility is increasingly common, especially for countries like Sri Lanka with significant migrant worker populations. The primary objective of this study is to analyze how globalization has influenced cross-border social security systems, with a specific focus on Sri Lanka. It aims to identify the mechanisms through which countries, including Sri Lanka, coordinate social security benefits and to assess the effectiveness of these mechanisms in protecting the rights of mobile individuals. Collaborating with government agencies responsible for social security and labor, as well as NGOs focused on workers' rights and migration, will enhance the depth and relevance of the research. This research adopts a secondary-based qualitative approach, relying on existing literature, policy documents, and case studies. The study involves a comprehensive review of bilateral and multilateral social security agreements, reports on Sri Lanka's social security policies, and data from international organizations. The study finds that globalization has prompted the development of various bilateral and multilateral agreements to ensure the portability of social security benefits. In Sri Lanka, initiatives to protect migrant workers' social security rights have been established, but challenges persist. Key challenges include the lack of awareness among migrant workers about their rights and benefits, and gaps in the coordination of social security systems between countries, which can lead to delays and disputes in benefit claims. Consequently, policymakers must continue to innovate and adapt social security systems to the evolving demands of globalization, ensuring that social protection keeps pace with increasing global mobility.
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Global challenges
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