As part of the fight against Coronavirus,AFD donates 368 million to MASAH

Submitted by socpro on
measures summary

(For the entire 12 administrative regions of the country,communication packages on covid-19 and hygiene materials have been distributed (the cost is over 200 million CFA))

The aid delivered by France is made up of a food kit consisting of,among others,2000 bags of rice,1200 cartons of salted fish,sugar,oil,cans and other share of social mobilization equipment to raise awareness on the respect of barrier gestures in order to break the chain of contamination of Covid-19. To this must be added a hygiene and protection kit consisting of masks,hand washing devices,liquid soaps and thermo flashes. 
These supports will be distributed in all 113 constituencies of social actions distributed in the twelve departments of the country.

Measure date
Regions / Country
