[Opinion] France: Martin Hirsch plaide pour une "assurance maladie universelle"
Le Point (14.01.2017) Le directeur général de l'Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris vante dans une tribune au "Monde" cette assurance qui rembourserait à 100
Le Point (14.01.2017) Le directeur général de l'Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris vante dans une tribune au "Monde" cette assurance qui rembourserait à 100
Le JDD (12.01.2017) Ce secteur au croisement du médical et des objets connectés suscite l’intérêt de nombreux entrepreneurs. Les autorités de santé y voient un moyen de réduire les coûts
IMTJ (15.01.2017) Europe paying a heavy price for chronic diseases, finds new OECD/EC report. Premature deaths of 550,000 working age people across European Union countries from chronic diseases.
Malaya (16.01.2017) Two years after the initial Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), Department of Health (DOH) and Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) recently renewed their partnership for the Social Protection Support Initiatives (SPSI) that will benefit Filipino citizens, especially the poor, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged groups.
The Washington Post (22.01.2017) President Trump’s executive order instructing federal agencies to grant relief to constituencies affected by the Affordable Care Act has begun to reverberate throughout the nation’s health-care system, injecting further uncertainty into an already unsettled insurance landscape.
Bloomberg (01.02.2017) Uninsured rates in low-income families have fallen under the Affordable Care Act, yet more than a third of Americans continued to face difficulties paying their medical bills in 2016, a survey found.
TDG (31.01.2017) Les coûts des soins médicaux devraient augmenter de 60% en Suisse d’ici treize ans, selon le cabinet d’audit Ernst&Young (Suisse).
The Manila Times Online (23.01.2017) Income and social inequalities still persist in the country even as the economy shows brisk growth, with out-of-pocket spending for health care remaining a major portion of household expenditure, state-think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) said.
El País (09.02.2017) La isla cuenta con indicadores que son la envidia de la región, pero su sistema también tiene numerosas sombras
The Guardian (31.01.2017) People will be better off having entered marketplace exchanges even if options worsen under the Trump administration, experts say