european union

EHCI: European healthcare steadily improving

Submitted by monitor on (28.01.2016) European healthcare is steadily improving, in spite of alarm bells about financial crisis austerity measures, aging population and migration turmoil. Survival rates of heart disease, stroke and cancer are all increasing. Infant mortality, perhaps the most descriptive single indicator, keeps going down. This is a main conclusion from the 2015 Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI)

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european union


EU: Ready for the Demographic Revolution? Measuring Active Ageing

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Europa/News (14.01.2016) Across the EU, the number of older people is increasing – particularly fast, when it comes to people over 80 – and the number of young and working-age people is decreasing. Many regard this as a problem, particularly if they see older people as a burden.

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european union
Old-age pensions


Baisse du chômage en ordre dispersé en zone euro

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Le Monde (11.01.2016) Lentement, mais sûrement, le taux de chômage européen poursuit sa décrue. En novembre 2015, il s’est établi à 10,5 % dans la zone euro, en baisse de 0,1 point sur un mois et d’un point sur un an, selon les chiffres publiés jeudi 7 janvier par Eurostat. « Il s’agit du plus bas niveau enregistré depuis octobre 2011. C’est une bonne nouvelle », commente Howard Archer, économiste chez IHS Global Insight. Dans l’Union européenne, le taux de chômage s’est établi à 9,1 %, contre 9,2 % en octobre, retrouvant ainsi son niveau de juillet 2009.

Regions / Country
european union


Publicada la Decisión ISA2 que dará continuidad al esfuerzo de asegurar la interoperabilidad entre las administraciones públicas europeas

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administracionelectronicaPAE (09.12.2015) La Decisión ISA2 (Abre en nueva ventana) establece un programa relativo a las soluciones de interoperabilidad y los marcos comunes para las administraciones públicas, las empresas y los ciudadanos europeos (programa ISA2) como medio de modernización del sector público.

Regions / Country
european union
Information and communication technology
Governance and administration


EU: New start for working parents and caregivers: Commission launches public consultation on work-life balance

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Europa (18.11.2015) The European Commission has today launched a public consultation on how to improve work-life balance and reduce obstacles to women's participation in the labour market, thereby contributing to the employment headline target of the Europe 2020 Strategy.

Regions / Country
european union
Family benefits
