Isle of Man: Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance - MERA (06.04.2020) (06.04.2020) (01.03.2020)
The purpose of the Salary support scheme is to provide salary support for businesses adversely affected by Coronavirus at this time. The Scheme was originally introduced to provide a contribution to a maximum of £280 per week per full time employee for up to 12 weeks beginning on the 2 March. It will now continue for an additional three claim periods with the last period ending on 17 August. (01.03.2020)
The Department for Enterprise's Coronavirus Business Support Scheme has been established to provide grant assistance to support local businesses in designated sectors that have been financially affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic. The scheme offers financial support to eligible businesses in the form of a grant payment of £3,000. The business can be self-employed.