Financial assistance for self-employed contributors in difficulties

The Insurance Scheme for the Self-Employed (RSI) handles the compulsory coverage of health, maternity, disability, death, old-age and survivors’ insurance for non-agricultural self-employed workers conducting their activities in France. It is responsible for the collection of statutory social security contributions.

The contributory capacity of self-employed workers is often unpredictable. Failure to pay their contributions on a regular basis puts self-employed workers at risk of losing access to certain services, for themselves and their dependents, or even of being excluded.

The RSI’s preventive approach offers financial assistance for entrepreneurs facing personal difficulties (medical) or difficulties that are external to their enterprise (natural disasters, sectoral crises, urban construction projects). This assistance seeks to enable the progressive payment of contributions, and to maintain social security coverage.

Established on the initiative of elected professionals sitting on the Board of Directors of the RSI, this assistance gives priority to viable enterprises, with or without employees. It makes it possible, in the first place, to maintain the entrepreneur’s health insurance and, through an adapted technical financial mechanism, the social security coverage of other risks.

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