Rehabilitation training how to use mobility aids

In rehabilitation, achieving mobility in autonomy is a major target. In case of a gait deficit, the manual wheelchair is the ultimate tool for achieving this target: it is a key device in the world of assistive technology (AT) and its use helps to increase the chances of the person with a disability, his/her independence and participation in the activities of daily living. To make best use of the device a training programme is needed. The person has to learn a new kind of locomotion: he/she must learn to make transfers to and from the wheelchair, how to face stairs and inclines. After an initial training in rehabilitation after injury, however, there could be a need for a new training period for the onset of physical problems, of weight changes, of different environmental needs. The INAIL Prosthesis Centre has therefore set up a training course in the proper use of AT, comprising a programme of theoretical instruction and practical tests with five sections that recreate the socio-environmental conditions that a person faces in everyday life.

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Contact address
INAIL – Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority –
Prostheses Centre, Via Rabuina,14 40054 Vigorso di Budrio (BO) Italy
Simona Amadesi (1)- Dr. Duccio Orlandini (2)- Rinaldo Sacchetti (3)
Corporate Communication Manager(1) - Health Care Director (2) - Director of Orthopaedic Aids(3)
tel. +39 0516936214 email
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