COVID19 - Déclarer la mise en Chômage Total Temporaire Renforcé

Submitted by socpro on Tue, 07/14/2020 - 17:59
measures summary

Reinforced Total Temporary Unemployment (Chômage Total Temporaire Renforcé - CTTR) is an exceptional device which makes it possible to temporarily reduce or suspend the activity of employees. These measures stem from the agreement made with the French Republic in matters of unemployment insurance. This emergency measure will end once the health situation has passed. It can proceed: a. Either at the temporary closure of all or part of the establishment; b. Either the reduction of the working hours below the legal working hours.

The employer pays the employee a partial activity allowance which corresponds to 70% of the gross hourly wage per non-working hour, or 80.69% of the net on the usual date of payment of wages. (These provisions may change in the case of specific measures for minimum wage earners as well as a cap for high wages envisaged by the French Ministry of Labor).

For employees who are laid off due to COVID-19, the government’s strengthened provisions for total temporary layoffs include: Employees who usually receive a gross base salary of less than or equal to EUR 2,075.16 (US$ 2,274), for 169 hours per month, will not lose any of their income. They will receive their usual net salary, since this is less than EUR 1,800.00 (US$ 1,972). Employees who usually receive a gross base salary of between EUR 2,075.17 and EUR 2,571.43 (US$ 2,274-2,817) for 169 hours per month will be entitled to the safeguard clause at a rate of EUR 1,800.00. If the employers pays the extra 20% so that the worker continues to receive their full salary, the State will exempt the employer from social security contributions on this additional portion. In the case of higher salaries, a cap has been set at 4.5 times the minimum wage.

Measure date
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