
[Publication] Healthcare fraud, corruption and waste in Europe

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EHFCN (21.03.2017) It is undeniable that healthcare fraud, corruption and waste are a serious and growing threat to the sustainability and the quality of European healthcare systems. Unfortunately for many years, a lack of objective information and hard evidence has stood in the way of finding efficient and effective solutions to tackle the problem.

Governance and administration
Error, evasion and fraud

[Opinion] India: Overhaul  health system for effective deliverance of plans-

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The New Indian Express (26.02.2017) After several decades of vertical disease or age-specific health programmes, there is now general recognition and growing acceptance that the ‘health system’ should be structured and strengthened as an integrated whole to be capable of effectively delivering a variety of health programmes.

Regions / Country

America rose to defend healthcare. But Trump’s attack on the poor is not over

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The Guardian (27.03.2017) Obamacare will be the law of the land for the “foreseeable future”, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, admitted in the aftermath of the abject failure of Donald Trump or the Republican party to “repeal or replace” Obama’s flagship Affordable Care Act (ACA) after seven years of bleating about it.

Regions / Country
United States
Health insurance

Etats-Unis: Trumpcare : "14 millions d'Américains perdraient leur couverture santé d'ici un an"

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EuroNews (24.03.2017) Les dépenses de santé aux Etats-Unis sont estimées à 20 % du PIB pour 2017, un record mondial qui se chiffre à 3,5 trillions de dollars. Moins de la moitié de ces dépenses sont financées par le gouvernement américain. (A titre de comparaison, selon l’OCDE, au sein de l’Union européenne, les pays membres prennent en charge environ 72 % des dépenses de santé.)

Regions / Country
United States
Health insurance

Suisse: Assurance maladie - Les primes augmentent plus vite que les salaires

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TDG (23.08.2016) Avec la fin de l’été vient le temps des tracas financiers pour la famille Mesot. Comme à chaque rentrée, elle va devoir tailler dans son budget pour s’assurer que ses quatre enfants, âgés de 15 à 24 ans, disposent des fournitures scolaires requises.

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