managing reforms

Emploi : quels résultats pour le contrat unique en Italie ?

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Francetvinfo (13.01.2016) Il y a un an, sous l'impulsion de Matteo Renzi, l'Italie a adopté le contrat unique baptisé Jobs Act. Une équipe de France 2 s'est rendue à Milan, dans le nord, pour en voir les effets sur l'emploi.

Regions / Country

Greek government has solid majority to pass pension reform

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Reuters (09.01.2016) Greece's leftist government will be able to push through a crucial pension reform in parliament, part of measures the country has agreed to under its international bailout, the deputy prime minister said in a newspaper interview released on Saturday.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

President Rousseff Proposes Social Security Reform in Brazil

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The Rio Times (08.01.2016) With Brazilian population getting older and life-expectancy increasing, Rousseff says the country must face social security reform 'head on’.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Bruselas estudia "en detalle" la reforma del sistema de pensiones presentada por Grecia

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El Exonomista (07.01.2016) La Comisión Europea ha afirmado este jueves que está analizando "en detalle" la propuesta de reforma del sistema de pensiones que el Gobierno de Grecia presentó el lunes a los acreedores internacionales en el marco del tercer programa de rescate, uno de los puntos más controvertidos del mismo y que más críticas ha levantado entre la oposición "Recibimos el borrador la noche del lunes.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Governance and administration

Australia: Private health insurance rebate likely to stay as system reformed

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The Australian (14.12.2015) The private health insurance rebate is tipped to remain in some form in the federal government’s shake-up of the sector as industry heads warn its removal will destabilise the public and private ­systems.

Regions / Country
Health insurance

México: Aprueban diputados reforma a la Ley de pensiones del ISSSTE

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Noventa Grados (08.12.2015) Con 343 votos a favor, 116 en contra y 2 abstenciones, el Pleno de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó el dictamen que reforma la Ley del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) en materia de pensiones.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Austrian pension reform back to square one after commission dissolved

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IPE News (04.12.2015) The commission advising the Austrian government on the reform of the pension system is to be “restructured”, with entirely new members being selected in the coming months.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration

Le gouvernement gabonais élabore un nouveau code de protection sociale

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Le Nouveau Gabon (16.11.2015) Paul Biyoghe Mba, 1er vice-Premier ministre de la Santé, de la prévoyance sociale et de la solidarité nationale, a procédé ce jour au lancement de l’élaboration du nouveau code de protection sociale, à Libreville.

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes