managing reforms

Votation du 25 septembre - Les Suisses sont tentés par une hausse des rentes AVS

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TDG (12.08.2016) Les trois objets soumis en votation le 25 septembre font la course en tête. A six semaines du scrutin et en pleine période estivale, les résultats sont bien sûr à prendre avec des pincettes. Le premier sondage Tamedia permet toutefois de dégager certaines tendances. Tour d’horizon.

Regions / Country

Costa Rica: Legislativo cierra sesiones ordinarias con aprobación de cuarto proyecto sobre pensiones

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El Financiero (28.07.2016) Al filo de las sesiones ordinarias, la Asamblea Legislativa aprobó este jueves en segundo debate el proyecto de Reforma a la normativa de los regímenes especiales de pensiones con cargo al Presupuesto Nacional.

La jubilación de los panameños: un debate largamente pospuesto

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La Estrella (29.06.2016) Una vez terminadas las celebraciones del Canal, corresponde al Gobierno retomar el tema de las reformas a la ley Orgánica del Seguro Social, según prometiera el presidente Juan Carlos Varela en noviembre del año pasado, al señalar que, una vez pasara la ampliación, se iniciaría un debate nacional al respecto.

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El Salvador: Preparan consulta social para nueva reforma de pensiones

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El Economista (21.07.2016) Los dirigentes de centros de pensamiento, gremiales empresariales y sindicatos iniciarán una consulta con otras organizaciones para elaborar una nueva propuesta de reforma al sistema de pensiones, porque rechazan la que ha elaborado el Gobierno.

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el Salvador

We are embarking on pension reforms in Liberia–VonBallmoos

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The News (16.06.2016( He is astonishingly skilful in fielding questions. He has succeeded in beefing-up the profile of his organization, particularly by expanding its investments nation-wide. Dewitt VonBallmoos is the Director General of Liberia’s National Social Security and Welfare Corporation NASSCORP. Tall and fair in complexion, he spoke to ABUBAKAR HASHIM about the current reforms on-going, the investments of NASSCORP and other related issues

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Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

[Opinion] France: Loi El Khomri - vers la fin du «toujours plus de protection sociale» ?

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Le Figaro (30.05.2016) La loi El Khomri est contestée parce qu'elle serait porteuse d'un recul social. Pour Charles Wyplosz, l'idée selon laquelle l'humanité doit évoluer vers toujours plus de protection des personnes, parfois au détriment des entreprises, est erronée.

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Social policies & programmes

Nigeria: NSITF seeks expansion of social protection mandate

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Daily Trust (22.05.2016) The acting managing director of the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), Ismail Agaka, has said that NSITF Act is presently going through the legislative process of amendment at the National Assembly to give clout to execute other aspects of social protection programmes. He said the trust fund has, in this regard, begun aggressive training of its staff in readiness for the expansion of its mandate.

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Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Tunisia Moves to Modernize its Social Protection and Labor Policies

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World Bank/News (20.05.2016) In 2011, Tunisia set itself on a new trajectory, peacefully ousting a 30-year dictatorship. In the five years that have followed, Tunisians have passed a new constitution and held democratic elections. Tunisia’s also managed to maintain stability, despite security threats at home and unrest next door in Libya. But, though it’s moved forward politically, social inequity inside it persists, with little progress on the sort of economic reforms needed to address the underlying roots of the country’s democratic uprising.

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Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Greek Pension Reform Targeted by Lawmakers Before Bailout Review

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Bloomberg (08.05.2016) Greek lawmakers are debating pension and income tax reforms that will be key to unlocking international aid as European creditors considered a proposal that would burden Athens with additional austerity measures.

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Governance and administration