managing reforms

Etats.Unis: Obamacare - quelle est cette réforme de la couverture-maladie que Trump veut abroger?

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RTBF (05.01.2017) Donald Trump et ses alliés républicains ont promis d'abroger la réforme de la couverture-maladie de Barack Obama, dite Obamacare. Explications sur le fonctionnement de cette loi de 2010 et son impact sur le système de santé américain. L'"Affordable Care Act" contient une myriade de volets qui, combinés, visaient à réduire le nombre de personnes non assurées et à maîtriser la croissance des dépenses de

Regions / Country
United States
Health insurance

China: Occupational disease patients to get more benefits

Submitted by monitor on (09.01.2017) Those suffering from occupational diseases will receive more welfare benefits following a newly issued plan urging local governments and companies to strengthen preventive measures. The plan, under the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), released by the State Council on Jan 4, will improve welfare for those working in harsh conditions and highlights those suffering from ailments such as pneumoconiosis or black-lung disease, exposure to radioactivity and chemical intoxication

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases

[Opinion] US: GOP's disastrous plan for Obamacare, Planned Parenthood

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CNN (05.01.2017) Heads up, American women (and the men who love them): House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday the GOP is moving forward on its plan to repeal Obamacare, and would also include removing federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

Regions / Country
United States
Health insurance

Deutschland: Rentenreform - Ost-West-Angleichung soll 15,7 Milliarden Euro kosten

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Spiegel (16.01.2017) Für die geplante Anhebung der Rentenwerte im Osten auf das höhere Westniveau rechnet die Regierung mit neuen Milliardenausgaben. Bis zum Jahr 2024 soll der Prozess bis zu 15,7 Milliarden Euro kosten.

Regions / Country

Brasil perfila la dura reforma de su maltrecho sistema de pensiones

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Hola Ciudad (20.12.2016) El Gobierno brasileño ha dado un paso al frente en la reforma del deficitario sistema de pensiones y ha perfilado los detalles de su polémica iniciativa, necesaria e inaplazable según algunos expertos, y extrema y radical para otros.

Regions / Country

México: Necesaria, reforma en sistema de pensiones

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El Economista (09.01.2017) Las pensiones de los trabajadores mexicanos a través de una administradora de fondos (afore) serán insuficientes si se mantienen las condiciones actuales de aportación, aunque todavía hay oportunidad de “proteger” a estos ahorradores, por lo que se requiere reformar el Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro para evitar inconformidades como las que se tienen en Chile.

Regions / Country

Taiwan, China: VP Chen proposes extension of full retirement age to 65

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Focus Taiwan (23.01.2017) A draft proposal for reforming Taiwan's pension system is seeking to raise the age of retirement with full benefits to 65, except for policemen, firefighters and K-12 teachers, Vice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) said Thursday.

Regions / Country
Taiwan, China
Old-age pensions

Cuba wants more babies, so it’s giving parental leave to grandparents, too

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Washington Post (10.02.2017) Cuba is giving parental leave to the grandparents of newborns, the country's latest attempt to reverse its sagging birthrate and defuse a demographic time bomb.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Demographic change
Population ageing