managing reforms

France: Santé, fiscalité de l’épargne: -les assureurs dans l’expectative après l’élection de Macron

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Les Echos (15.02.2017) Le président a promis la création de trois contrats types pour les complémentaires santé et un prélèvement forfaitaire unique de l’ordre de 30 % sur les revenus de l’épargne.

Regions / Country
Health insurance

Schweiz: Weniger Pension wegen Rentenreform 2020 - Wer sich früher pensionieren lässt, verliert den Schutz

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Blick (15.05.2017) Im September befindet das Stimmvolk über die Altersreform 2020. Zentrale Elemente der Reform: die Anhebung des Frauenrentenalters auf 65 Jahre und die Senkung des Umwandlungssatzes – also der jährlich ausbezahlte Anteil am angesparten Kapital – von 6,8 auf 6 Prozent. Und genau um diesen Umwandlungssatz geht es jetzt in einer Vorlage, die bereits in Bundesbern ausgearbeitet wird.

Regions / Country

India: New Code Proposed to Simplify Laws, Expand Social Security Coverage

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Bloomberg (23.05.2017) India's labor ministry has proposed a new Social Security Code that will consolidate 15 existing laws and extend coverage to all categories of employers and workers, including those in India's vast unorganized sector.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

France: Quelle réforme pour sauver notre système de santé ?

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Le Figaro (15.05.2017) L'Institut Montaigne lance son simulateur de l'Assurance maladie, qui permet aux internautes de mesurer l'impact des différentes réformes du système sur la dette de l'Assurance maladie.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Social policies & programmes

China: Shanghai Revises Minimum Wage, Social Insurance Contribution Rates

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China Briefing News (12.05.2017) The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources & Social Security recently released its annual minimum wage adjustments for 2017, as well as the associated changes to employeeenefits.
The adjustments, which came into effect on April 1, affect minimum wages, medical insurance, social insurance, pensions, and other forms of employee compensation.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Argentina: Buscan acordar una ley de prevención de accidentes laborales

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clarin (23.05.2017) Hoy se inició el camino hacia la elaboración de una ley de Protección y Prevención laboral, que busca evitar los accidentes de trabajo. La norma que deberá cristalizarse en tres meses en un borrador definitivo que llegue al Congreso.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Workplace health promotion
Safety and health at work

Brazil’s Fiscal Plan Could Falter Without Pension Reform

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Bloomberg (16.08.2016) Acting President Michel Temer’s prized fiscal austerity proposal to cap public spending will only succeed if he can convince Brazil’s Congress to pass a controversial pension reform as well, according to a leading member of his economic team.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

Implementing successful reforms: The case of social assistance in South Africa

Submitted by monitor on (18.08.2016) South Africa’s social assistance system – through a comprehensive set of cash transfers -- covers nearly 16 million people. This is a big improvement from 1994, when cash transfers reached fewer than three million beneficiaries and suffered from discrimination and weak administration.

Social assistance
Social policies & programmes