The response capabilities of the National Social Insurance Fund for Employees (Caisse nationale des assurances sociales des travailleurs salariés (CNAS)) in the area of prevention of occupational accidents and diseases is based mainly on a knowledge of the world of work and the risks likely to affect workers.
Since 2010 in order to increase efficiency in promoting the prevention of occupational risks, the CNAS has implemented a new targeted approach to assisting companies that have recorded a significant number of occupational accidents over a period of three years (2007 to 2009 for the 2010 programme).
This practice, which aims to reduce occupational accidents and diseases provides customised assistance to employers through: funding studies that evaluate occupational risks by measuring work environments; informing and raising the awareness of workers on site of identified risks, and providing support for the company during implementation of the prevention plan.
These actions are carried out by the CNAS in collaboration with contractual experts.
A posteriori monitoring is carried out by CNAS prevention auditors.
Direction de la Prévention des Accidents du Travail et des Maladies Professionnelles
Route des Deux bassins
Ben Aknou
DZ-16030 ALGER