The semantic engine ESAW-IRIDE: Accident analysis in support of prevention

ESAW (European Statistics on Accidents at Work) is the European coding system of injuries, adopted by Inail since 2001, allowing the comparison of accidents at work rates in different Member States. The knowledge of causes and circumstances of the occurrence of accidents at work is essential for planning policies for prevention and protection aimed at reducing their frequency and severity, as well as enabling the plan of measures to improve working conditions. Inail, in order to improve its data quality and reduce some elements of uncertainty due to subjective interpretation of ESAW variables/3 (the last phase of the project is called ESAW/3) in 2010 undertook the way of technological innovation. Inail has therefore developed the software-semantic engine IRIDE aimed at assisted encoding, and proposed a new model for accident reporting, structured to highlight more information in order to ensure the proper allocation of variables. The software ESAW-IRIDE is therefore a timely response to the need for an accurate and standardized encoding of accidents at work.

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Contact address
Central Directorate for Prevention
CONTARP– Technical Advisory for Risk Assessment and Prevention - Via R. Ferruzzi, 40, ROME
CSA - Statistical and Actuarial Advisory - Via R. Ferruzzi, 40, ROME
Liliana Frusteri - tel. +39 06/54872876
Giuseppe Morinelli - tel. +39 06/54872260
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