The ISSA Guidelines for Social Security Administration were prepared by the ISSA General Secretariat with the ISSA technical commissions.
The ISSA Guidelines on Service Quality were produced as a result of the close collaboration of the ISSA Secretariat and a steering committee chaired by Adriana Lender of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, representing the ISSA Technical Commissions on Organization, Management and Innovation; Employment Policies and Unemployment Insurance; Family Benefits; Information and Communication Technology; Insurance against Employment Accidents and Occupational Diseases; Medical Care and Sickness Insurance; Mutual Benefit Societies; and Old-age, Invalidity and Survivors’ Insurance.
The Guidelines were prepared by a team at the ISSA General Secretariat, led by Edmundo Mão de Ferro Martinho and with the involvement of Maribel D. Ortiz. Expert support and contributions were provided by Martin Duggan, Brian Lee-Archer and Eloise O’Riordan of the IBM Cúram Research Institute.