Guideline 21. Confidentiality

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Privileged information, from both internal and external sources, is accumulated and generated during the return-to-work process. Legal obligations to protect such information, under privacy legislation and professional standards, are complied with.

Guideline code
  • The privacy custodian should be knowledgeable about privacy legislation and professional and ethical licensing and practice regimes for professionals such as medical practitioners.
  • The privacy custodian should work with stakeholders in the return-to-work process to establish processes for collecting, maintaining, storing and releasing confidential information.
  • The privacy custodian should ensure that the management of confidential information includes defining confidential information and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the process, uses tools such as a form authorizing the release of confidential information, distinguishes between oral and written information, and manages both electronic and non-electronic information.
  • The privacy custodian should set up an evaluation system to ensure that confidentiality of personal information is maintained.
  • The management should work with the institution’s partners and stakeholders to establish a confidentiality policy to protect personal information which is accumulated through the return-to-work process.
  • The management should ensure that the confidentiality policy complies with privacy legislation and applicable professional standards of practice.
  • The management should ensure that the confidentiality policy addresses consent for the collection, custody and disclosure of confidential information.
  • The management should appoint a qualified professional to be the custodian of confidential information.
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Guideline 21. Confidentiality