Guideline 5. Assessing policies, programmes and services

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The impacts and effectiveness of the policies, programmes and services for the return to work and improving sustainable employment are evaluated.

Guideline code
  • The management uses accurate labour market statistics, research and reports and gathers administrative data to perform regular detailed analysis of the impact of its programmes.
  • The management regularly assesses whether the programmes and services have met their objectives and produced the expected results, with the aim of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the programme in reaching its objectives. This assessment can be done internally or in collaboration with academic bodies, statistical offices or other bodies specialized in assessment. It can be done by:
    • Undertaking a quantitative analysis of the gross and net effects (using a test group) and qualitative analyses of beneficiaries and stakeholders;
    • Assessing whether the programme generates undesirable effects, such as a windfall, substitution, eviction, displacement or creation of a poverty trap, or is insufficiently targeted or not well aligned with other initiatives, whether internal or external;
    • Differentiating, where appropriate, between the economic, financial and social effects of the programmes and between the short/medium- and long-term effects of the return-to-work programmes.
  • Monitoring and assessment could enable the management to capitalize on opportunities to intervene, reduce risks, increase efficiencies and ensure a person’s return to work.
  • Statistics and assessments should be publicly available to the research community and the public at large, while protecting personal information and taking all appropriate data protection actions as required.
  • The institution, in collaboration with the stakeholders, defines the specific objectives, timetable, performance indicators and data collection required to evaluate the policies, programmes and services for entering the workforce, the return to work, worker retention and sustainable employability.
  • The management regularly publishes reports and disaggregated date and undertakes an objective and transparent evaluation of these elements.
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Guideline 5. Assessing policies, programmes and services