Guideline 9. Determining contribution amounts and billing

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The institution implements the key processes that determine the contribution amounts and generate billing, based on submitted declarations.

This involves four main tasks: submission of declarations or employee payrolls, validation of this submitted information, calculation of the contribution amounts, and generation of bills or no-pay declarations.

Guideline code
  • In order to promote efficiency and consistency, the collection of declarations of all the schemes and social security branches and pillars may be unified, where appropriate.
  • Declarations and employee payrolls should, ideally, be submitted by employers through ICT-based mechanisms. As authenticity must be ensured, the data package should, ideally, be electronically signed using digital certificates.
  • Validations of declarations and payrolls should be done automatically and the results sent back in the same way.
  • Calculation of contribution amounts and billing should be done automatically based on the submitted information. Alternatives to the calculation method are:
    • The institution doing so, based on the payroll data;
    • The contributor doing so in their declaration.
  • To avoid bottlenecks and system saturation, validations, calculations and billing may be done asynchronously from the submission of declarations and payrolls (i.e. the results and bills would be sent later, in the same way).
  • A unit should be set up to inspect contributor and employer compliance with the determination, billing and collection processes (see Guideline 10).
  • The process to determine contribution amounts and generate billing should include the following tasks:
    • Collecting declarations or payrolls submitted by contributors;
    • Validating the received data;
    • Computing contribution amounts;
    • Generating the corresponding documents (e.g. bills).
  • The management should design and implement the processes of contribution determination and billing, based on submitted declarations, and establish duties and responsibilities to manage these tasks.
  • Regulations on data privacy and document authentication should be taken into account to define how contributors’ declarations and employee payrolls will be received from employers, stored and used in the institution.
  • The process should collect declarations or payrolls submitted by contributors or employers, validate the received data, compute contribution amounts and generate bills or no-pay certificates.
  • Declarations and employee payrolls should, ideally, be submitted by employers through ICT-based mechanisms, with validation of declarations and payrolls and automatic calculation of contribution amounts and billing.
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Guideline 9. Determining contribution amounts and billing