Romania: Parliament expands the list of people who can retire 2 years earlier

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Legestart (10.11.2020) The Chamber of Deputies has adopted a legislative proposal that provides for the extension of the categories of persons benefiting from the reduction by 2 years of the standard retirement age because they lived at least 30 years in areas with residual pollution, being introduced another 27 localities, including Bacău , Oneşti, Năvodari, Baraolt, Târgovişte and Titu. The legislative proposal has as object of regulation the modification of paragraph 5 of article 65 of Law no. 263/2010, aiming at extending the categories of persons who benefit from the reduction of the standard retirement age by two years, without penalty, if they have lived for at least 30 years in some areas affected by residual pollution, as well as within a radius of 8 km around the contaminated site.

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The Chamber of Deputies has adopted a legislative proposal that provides for the extension of the categories of persons benefiting from the reduction by 2 years of the standard retirement age because they lived at least 30 years in areas with residual pollution, being introduced another 27 localities, including Bacău , Oneşti, Năvodari, Baraolt, Târgovişte and Titu. The legislative proposal has as object of regulation the modification of paragraph 5 of article 65 of Law no. 263/2010, aiming at extending the categories of persons who benefit from the reduction of the standard retirement age by two years, without penalty, if they have lived for at least 30 years in some areas affected by residual pollution, as well as within a radius of 8 km around the contaminated site.

According to the normative act, these are people who have lived for at least 30 years in areas affected by residual pollution due to the extraction, preparation and burning of coal or oil shale, the extraction and preparation of uranium ores, the extraction and processing of ferrous ores and non-ferrous dust or greenhouse gas emissions, of ammonia and derivatives, of copper, lead, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, cadmium, arsenic, zinc, manganese, fluorine, chlorine, feldspar and silicon or of radiation from radioactive ores, hydrogen sulphide, trivalent chromium, hexavalent chromium, cyanides, metal powders and / or metallurgical coke, sulfur oil processing, petrol desulphurisation, paraffin and non-paraffin oil, crude oil distillation for fuel oil and oils .