Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 16, 2020

Submitted by socpro on
measures summary

Adjusted from 5 June 2020: The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Adaljiza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, presented the Decree-Law draft, approved by the Council of Minister, whose object is the first amendment to Decree-Law no 21/2020, of June 5th, which created the temporary subsidy in the scope of the response to COVID-19, attributed to Timorese citizens who are or temporarily reside abroad. With this change, the number of countries covered by this mechanism increases, thus increasing the number of Timorese citizens protected, at a time when the effects of the pandemic continue to have dramatic effects worldwide. As result, Timorese citizens who temporarily reside in Bangladesh, Belgium, China, South Korea, United Kingdom, Mozambique or Singapore are now covered by this measure.

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