Korea: Zero out-of-pocket payment when suspected of infection with coronavirus

Submitted by mmarquez on

oecd.org and mhis.or.kr (02.02.2020) Korea provides tests and subsequent treatment free of charge to patients and the cost is covered by central and local governments and the health insurance public corporation (the National Health Insurance covers 80% and the central government the remaining 20%).

measures summary

Korea provides tests and subsequent treatment free of charge to patients and the cost is covered by central and local governments and the health insurance public corporation (the National Health Insurance covers 80% and the central government the remaining 20%).

Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

“Zero” Out-of-Pocket Payment
> A verage cost of COVID-19 treatment is approximately 8,000 USD in
Korea. But the cost is “0” for patients. When a suspicious case or a case
recommended for medical examination is found in Korea, National Health
Insurance covers 80% and the Government covers 20%.
> A verage cost of COVID-19 treatment is approximately 34,800 USD in
USA. The patients have to pay all expenses if they are not covered by
private insurance.

(check pdf from NHIS sent to ISSA).