Implementation of a fully computerized and versatile multi-scheme, multi-product organizational and technological management platform (“Usine Prévoyance”)

The Collective Scheme for Retirement Allowances (Régime collectif d’allocation de retraite – RCAR) has introduced a fully computerized and versatile multi-scheme, multiproduct organizational and technological management platform, consisting of a multi-channel Customer Relations Centre (agencies, a call centre, web/mobile, social networks), a multiproduct Payment Centre, and a computerized Back Office that is integrated with RCAR’s partners. This platform guarantees customers the prompt payment of benefits, the effective handling of complaints, relevant information, and traceability for all transactions. Secondly, it provides sufficient capacity to ensure effective and efficient support for public policy on the development of social welfare in Morocco. In particular, the incorporation of funds that are primarily of a social nature established by the authorities, the inclusion of all internal pension funds (special schemes representing nearly 90,000 beneficiaries) and the platform’s positioning as manager of the future public service sector as foreseen in the systemic pension reform project in Morocco.

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