Since 2016 the National Social Insurance Fund for Employees (Caisse nationale des assurances sociales des travailleurs salaries – CNAS) has conducted a national programme financed by its prevention fund. The aim of this information and awareness-raising programme for interns and apprentices on vocational training for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases is to be proactive with future workers by providing them with knowledge and good practices in the field of occupational health and safety.
This campaign was developed by the CNAS prevention staff and in partnership with contractual prevention specialists, and will run from 2016 to 2020 with the aim of reaching all those active in vocational training in Algeria, which has a network of more than 1,226 establishments and structures, and which train more than 377,000 students per year.
The CNAS considers that sharing knowledge of prevention with those who will be covered by the scheme in the future represents an investment which, in the medium and long term, may bring a reduction in occupational accidents and diseases and related costs.