"Bedömningsstödet" - The Assessment tool

In 2012, the Swedish government allotted resources for early intervention for a restricted amount of new job-seekers. The requirement was that the Public Employment Service (PES) used a profiling instrument which could objectively select individuals with a high risk of long-term unemployment. Not everyone could come into question and resources should be targeted to those with the highest risk, independent of geographical location. The independence of geographical location entails an important difficulty in allocation of interventions at the local level. A case worker has no knowledge of how a specific job-seeker would compare to job-seekers at other PES or to job-seekers entering later during the year. The allocation of resources both in time and space had to be handled. Bedömningsstödet (the Assessment tool) was developed taking this into account. The good practice is about the innovative design of Bedömningsstödet which could be widely adopted and it is about the practical lessons learned during implementation.

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