Adaptive Human Resources Management – Employees’ motivation system based on the competence model

In the turbulent, constantly changing environment achieving ZUS' strategic objectives requires (among others) modifying the organizational culture by increasing employee satisfaction. For this purpose, the coherent human resource management system based on the model of competence will be implemented.

Clearly defined expectations towards employees, the training and development system and the identification of possible career paths contribute to increasing employees’ acceptance of the changes, and thus consolidate the benefits of the modernization process of the institution.

The solutions proposed during the implementation of the project will also affect the improvement of employee motivation.

The objective of the project is to develop solutions and tools to support raising the level of employee satisfaction from work in ZUS and increasing their involvement in the implementation of tasks and engender pro-client attitudes.

A project Employees’ motivation system based on the competence model started in October 2015 with the first workshops on the new recruitment procedure. The implementation of the whole project is planned to take place over a few years (c.a. 3-5).

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