Prevention and protection measures to reduce exposure to dust containing free crystalline silica

The Italian Silica Network (NIS), of which INAIL is a founding member, along with other public bodies and associations, has launched a research project to assess silica risk in the following sectors: construction, foundry, stone, construction of tunnels and the manufacture of ceramic tiles. The primary goal was to create a shared "repository" of the more effective technical and organizational choices to mitigate the silica risk. Along with this common wealth of knowledge, the risk profiles have been processed for more than 60 specific good practices, then collected into five volumes totalling over 500 pages, which are provided for companies, workers and others who deal with prevention and protection measures to reduce exposure to dust containing free crystalline silica.

This is a working dynamic tool, full of a rich photographic documentation about specific equipment and tasks, in which general information on silica risk assessment and exposure levels are gathered together, as well as descriptive indications of the work phases, the possible sources and ways of generating pollution and, finally, the technical, organizational and procedural solutions to control this specific risk.

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Contact address
INAIL, Italian Workers Compensation Authority
- INAIL CONTARP -Technical Advisory for Risk Assessment and Prevention
- Network Italiano Silice (NIS), Italian Silica Network

Diegho Rughi - Via R. Ferruzzi n. 40 - Rome - tel (+39) 06.5487 2429
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