Extension of social health insurance coverage to the retired population

The provision of free health care to the elderly populace by the Government continues to face a myriad of challenges. In recognition of this, the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) in 2011 redesigned its service portfolio to bring on board retired members. An actuarial study undertaken by the Fund in 2008 indicated that it was financially feasible to continue offering health services to members post-retirement without any further financial contributions until their natural attrition.
The objective of establishing the retirees 19 scheme was to complement Government efforts of providing the much needed health services to the elderly group. The expected outcome was a reduced burden to the Government as well as family members in taking care of the elderly when they fall sick. Implicitly, NHIF has helped to reimburse health care costs that would otherwise be refunded by the Government in respect of providing health care to the exempted elderly citizens. When enrolment started in 2009, the pace to register was slow. However, it gained momentum as awareness-raising programmes were enhanced. The number of retirees has increased from 3087 to 8496 in 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 respectively.
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