Investments in ICT respond to the short- and medium-term needs of the institution and are always aligned with its strategic plan. The management establishes a standard system of policies and procedures to evaluate and decide on proposals for investments in ICT infrastructure, to enhance accountability, transparency, predictability, participation and dynamism.
Guideline code
- To ensure that staff work on the ICT investment proposal is comprehensive, the management should prescribe a standard set of documents to support the proposal. This package should include:
- The institution’s annual and strategic plans;
- ICT standards, tactical and strategic plans, including technology evolution strategy, to avoid obsolescence;
- Procurement and contracting rules for the different kinds of infrastructure and associated services;
- Templates and guidelines to specify anticipated benefits and services;
- Templates and guidelines to prepare cost–benefit analysis.
- Documents should state how investments fit into long-term, medium-term and project plans and how they contribute to accomplishing their objectives.
- Investing in a particular ICT product or hardware should not restrict the institution’s future choices in terms of supplementing the initial acquisition.
- In evaluating ICT investments, special attention should be paid to indirect and hidden costs, notably long-term licensing and service contracts, data and application migrations, and other impacts on the ICT platform.
- The board and/or management, with the assistance of the ICT unit, should establish the standard policies and procedures, including the evaluation and approval system, that apply to investment proposals for new ICT infrastructure.
- These policies must take into account the short- and medium-term needs of the institution as elaborated by its annual and strategic plans.
- To establish accountability, the roles and responsibilities of the units involved in the evaluation and approval process should be well defined and documented.
- The ICT unit should implement and coordinate the implementation of this system.
- The internal audit office should be part of the checks and safeguards to verify compliance with the established system of evaluation and approval.
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Guideline 83. Standard policies and procedures