Guideline 16. Developing a workplace health promotion plan

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The institution’s plan for workplace health promotion addresses identified goals, determines actions, approaches and timelines, identifies necessary resources and establishes evaluation strategies.

Stakeholder commitment, ownership, involvement and participation in developing a workplace health promotion plan are prerequisites for developing sustainable activities.

Guideline code
  • The management (together with the workplace health promotion team) should prepare a workplace health promotion plan which includes:
    • Short-term and long-term goals linked to specific targets based on SMART principles (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound);
    • Actions and approaches;
    • Necessary resources including staff, external services, funds and facilities;
    • Identification of who is responsible for specific actions, monitoring and evaluation;
    • A timeline which includes a start and end date and is linked to specific actions;
    • Monitoring and evaluation strategies and methodologies, including indicators of action outcomes, success and overall progress;
    • Regular reporting strategies as an integral part of follow-up and administration of the plan.
  • The management should ensure that internal stakeholders are involved in producing the workplace health promotion plan.
  • The management should ensure accountability by clearly identifying roles and responsibilities in workplace health promotion planning.
  • The management should ensure that the workplace health promotion plan is:
    • Realistic and balanced, taking into account what the social security institution can do and what the client enterprises/organizations and other stakeholders expect;
    • Sufficiently flexible to respond to new opportunities, policy changes, available resources, and changing priorities and needs;
    • Updated regularly to include recent developments and changes;
    • Monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis.
  • The management should ensure that reporting on the plan is a regular item on the agenda of both management and board meetings.
  • The management should ensure that highlights of the plan are communicated (e.g. through the social security institution’s website) to emphasize and support the institution’s leadership role in workplace health promotion.
  • The management should submit a workplace health promotion plan to the board for approval.
  • The management should ensure the plan is integrated into the institution’s strategic planning process.
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Guideline 16. Developing a workplace health promotion plan