Workers are able to remain in employment when faced with certain private or family constraints, and equal opportunities are available to workers to enable them to share family responsibilities.
Guideline code
- The competent institutions should propose or recommend policies aimed at balancing professional and private life, as well as gender equality, by providing parental leave schemes. Temporary leave should also be considered to equally enable women and men to assist or care for close family members who are ill. These mechanisms often include the right to partially or totally suspend work contracts in certain cases and under certain conditions, provide a replacement income and social security coverage during the leave of absence, and include the right to return to work when the authorized period of leave is over.
- Policies that increase the availability of quality childcare and health care for elderly workers should be encouraged.
- The competent institutions should take advantage of the new opportunities provided by technology to improve the workâlife balance.
- Schemes should allow for temporary absence from the workplace for women and men to look after young children or care for a family member who is ill or needs assistance. This promotes labour attachment and facilitates the return to work.
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Guideline 13. Promoting equal opportunities to balance private and working life