The following guidelines are organized in six parts:
Part A, Basic Principles, incorporates six guidelines and provides guidance on the identification of stakeholders, the legal basis of the programme for return to work after unemployment, and the need to refer to international good practice. It also deals with the evaluation of policies, programmes and services and the good governance of institutions.
Part B, Prevention, incorporates nine guidelines that deal with good practice in preventive measures to avoid unemployment.
Part C, Information, incorporates two guidelines that deal with information, simplification of procedures and the accountability of stakeholders.
Part D, Support, incorporates five guidelines and deals with producing profiles, orientation and support of the unemployed as well as working with and providing services to employers.
Part E, Benefits, incorporates three guidelines and deals with adequacy of benefits, benefit delivery and incentives for reintegration.
Part F, Labour Market and Employment Policies, incorporates five guidelines dealing with stimulating labour demand, promoting and supporting formal employment and developing labour supply.
Within each part, the guidelines are presented as follows:
Guideline. The guideline is defined and stated as clearly as possible.
Structure. Suggested structures to facilitate entry into employment, worker retention, return to work after unemployment and sustainable employability. These are a prerequisite for the understanding and implementation of the corresponding guideline.
Mechanism. A guideline may be implemented in different ways. The mechanisms proposed for the application of each guideline on the promotion of sustainable employment are a synthesis of best practices observed in these areas.