Guideline 10. Strategic use of new communication technology and social media

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The institution is aware of innovative communication technology and makes informed decisions about the use of social media in communication.

Guideline code
  • Training should be provided to employees to update their knowledge in the field of new communication technologies and social media.
  • The institution should develop guidelines which regulate the corporate communication activities of its employees in social media through a specific code of conduct that distinguishes between professional and personal activities.
  • The large quantity of personal information gathered through the use of social media requires special protection. Management should ensure that all regulatory requirements are fully met in the gathering, use and disposal of this data.
  • The communication unit should initiate a professional debate with other departments within the institution about the opportunities and challenges of such changes and their operational and reputational impacts.
  • The communication unit should analyse risks and opportunities which arise from new communication technology and evolving social media.
  • Management should adopt a strategic response to the opportunities and challenges of social media and technologies.
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Guideline 10. Strategic use of new communication technology and social media