All information communicated is accurate, clear, verifiable, relevant, timely and up-to-date. Personal information is protected and only used for the purpose for which it was collected.
Social security institutions are custodians of large quantities of personal information that must be strictly protected.
Guideline code
- The communication unit should ensure that due diligence is performed by validating the accuracy of the information and the validity of its sources as part of an established approval process.
- Management should ensure that all staff are trained and well-informed, and adhere to the policies and rules on privacy of data and information. This is particularly important where vast amounts of personal data (big data) are accumulated and easily retrievable.
- Staff should be trained in their use of social media and in particular to clearly delineate between professional and personal use.
- The considerations on transparency of the ISSA Guidelines on Good Governance are relevant in this context.
- The board sets out a code of conduct with regard to information, including policies articulating how personal data can be acquired and used in the pursuit of the institution’s mandate.
- Management should ensure that each internal unit is accountable for the accuracy and quality of the information it provides.
- All officers and staff should adhere to a code of conduct, with management leading support and compliance.
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Guideline 2. Values and ethics in communication